Wrongful Death
A lawyer who provides sensitive but aggressive representative for victims and their families
Under New York law, it is well-established that an accident victim can take legal action against the person or entity that negligently causes an accident. Personal injury or tort lawsuits ensure that people or companies who are negligent and who break the law must pay financially for their actions. Injury lawsuits also ensure that victims of negligence or wrongdoing do not end up suffering uncompensated out-of-pocket losses as a result of what happened to them.
Accidents and situations that cause injuries can also potentially cause deaths. When a death occurs in these types of situations, the resulting lawsuit is deemed a “wrongful death” lawsuit. Taking action against the negligent party cannot bring your loved one back, but it can help begin the healing process and may get you the compensation that you deserve for your loss.
If someone is killed as a result of the negligence of another person, family members need experienced counsel to minimize the financial trauma the death can cause and to make sure the person or entity responsible is held accountable for the loss.
David A. Kapelman is a wrongful death lawyer who has over 39 years of experience representing the survivors of victims killed by the wrongful acts of others. He has the knowledge and skill to fully assess each case and ensure that the survivors get full compensation for their loss.
Call David A. Kapelman, P.C. for a FREE CONSULTATION. You will not be charged any attorney’s fees unless we recover damages for you. Expenses may be payable at the conclusion of your case. Hablamos Espanol.
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